Sunday, 22 December 2013

Christmas Homework

Básico 1

Haced los ejercicios del workbook que os falten hasta la unidad 3.
En esta carpeta están los dos readings que os di en clase. Los ejercicios de writing no estaban incluidos en la fotocopia, no son tarea, pero si queréis hacerlos, yo estaré encantada de corregirlos.
Está pendiente el ejercicio "Personal Profile" de la página 111 de vuestro libro.

Básico 2

Básico 2-1 y Bas 2-3: If you couldn't come to school, this is your homework for these holidays.
Básico 2-1, do also the reading exercise on page 25 in your classbook.

You have to read at least a book in English before May and write a report. You can write as many as you like.
Here you are an example of what you can do.
And on this site you can find different templates, choose the one you like best:

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Merry Crhistmas

I hope you have really good holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, full of love, health, friendship, and good luck.


Si os ha gustado pero queréis saber qué dice, pinchad aquí.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Nelson Mandela, a GREAT MAN

I wish there were more people like him, honest, always fighting for freedom, regardless origing, colour, beliefs. The world would be a much better place.

If you want to know more about him, click this link.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Básico 1- Present simple

Homework for Thursday, 28th November: Student's book, page 129, section 3A, exercises a and b.
Remember to bring your grammar book (Essential Grammar in Use)
This is PowerPoint about the present simple.

Some extra exercises:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4 (includes questions)
Many more exercises

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Básico 2- Homework

Homework for next week:
Reading pages 19 and 21 (exercise B)

In this video you can learn more about flights and airports. Listen and repeat the vocabulary, dates, etc. I hope you like it. However I'm sure you'll enjoy this one better.

Monday, 25 November 2013

A strange dream

I hope it works. Read the texts you wrote in class and choose your favourite. Just click on the team and send your answer.
Thank you for taking part.

Team 1
I was lying in my armchair in the rainy afternoon, when I fell asleep and I had a strange dream. In my dream I was travelling by train, and I was next to the window, I saw many mountains and it was sunny. Suddenly I heard a woman that was crying because somebody stole her jewels, when she went for a walk with her dog. Then, to my surprise, I saw a horse on the train when I was putting on my glasses. It was awful; the horse was on the plane. Finally, the woman found a lot of money and after that I was woke up, it was at ten to two and it was all just a dream.

Team 2 
We went on holidays to the coast by plane. There, they sent a carriage pulled by a horse to pick us up. This day, the weather was perfect because it was sunny all the morning and we wore a hat and a sunglasses.
Suddenly, in the afternoon it was raining and we bought an umbrella to go home.
We went to the forest to catch wood because we wanted to light a fire. Then, we found a spider and we shouted.
Two of us brought wood and the other opened the door to enter the house.
Noelia played the piano while Águeda and Andrea sat on an armchair and finally we watched a TV movie of castles and princesses.

Team 3
Iwas sitting in front of the televisión late in the evening, when I fell asleep and I had a strange dream...
I was near the window and I was looking at the mountains. There was a bag in my hand but I didin´t know why.
Suddenly a bird came into the room. It carried a bunch of flowers and a letter for me. Then, to my surprise, in the envelope there was a train ticket and some money.
Unfortunately when I arrived, the place was a horrible castle, and there were spiders everywhere. On the first floor, the fireplace was lit, and when I was there, I heard a beautiful melody.
Finally I went upstairs and I saw a television on and a hot cup of tea.
I was in my armchair, and I woke up.

Team 4
When I was travelling by train I found a suitcase full of money . While I was drinking a red wine suddenly I saw a horse , it was wearing a denim hat and it was talking to an ellegant dog . They wanted to buy a necklace for their friend the spider because they were going to a party in the spider's castle.
The party started at 2 o'clock. When they opened the door they listened to awful music and they saw that all the furniture was burning .
Finally I woke up and I was arriving at the beach .

Team 5
In the dream I was sitting above the television , then I saw my dog making the dinner, wearing an old woman's dress , suddenly an old woman ate a watch, as she took out flowers of from her eyes with empty basins.
Then, to my surprise I crossed a door and appeared in the darkest shadows of my living room and reappeared in a dark, ominous and suffocating swamp, then an umbrella emerged from the thick, stinking water, and launched into a strange and bizarre conversation with a tree about the reproduction of the Dead. Before I realized, the umbrella and the tree were transformed into two old women, who were dressed in long black dresses of funeral, they took off their black veils and had strange smiles, then they didn't stop laughing while in the background you could hear Gloomy Sunday.
I could not stand the situation and I collapsed , then the door reappeared from the shadows of the sawmp , and I returned to my house when I had some a cup of tea, sitting in the sofa with my dog.

Team 6
We were travelling by train, we went to the beach when we saw a black and white dog. It was wearing a dress and a beautiful necklace, it was flying on a small carpet.
Suddenly the small carpet landed in the garden of a castle; then the dog went inside and it sat in front of the fireplace. It was listening to classical music when somebody knocked at the main door.
Then, to our surprise, there was a horse with a hat which was carrying a letter and a bunch of flowers.
Unfortunately the dog didn't have any money and it gave it to a big terrible spider.
Finally the horse ran away quickly.

Team 7
I was watching TV when I had a dream. I was walking out with my dog when a saw a plane fall. I cleaned my glasses and I could see better. Then, to my surprise it wasn´t a plane, it was a big black bird. The bird brougth me a letter. The letter as a invitation to visit Eurodisney with all my family. Suddenly, a woman who was wearing a hat told me: "Don't go there. It's very expensive." Then, I woke up because my alarm clock went off. It was time to go to work.

Team 8 
I was sitting in front of the televisión late one evening, when I fell asleep and I had a strange dream…
In the dream I was a spider, I was dancing in the hat. I was wearing a dress with flowers.
Suddenly the door opened and a dog came into the room. The dog was wearing an expensive necklace.
Then to my surprise, the window broke and a black bird flew into the chimney. Unfortunately it burned.
Finally a man who was riding a horse appeared and coaught the hat. I fell on the suitcase which was on the carpet, and unfortunately the horse tripped on the carpet and broke the suitcase and I died.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Past simple and continuous

Grammar reference and online exercise to practise these two tenses. Click here.

Click here to play this betting game. If you play alone, choose a team, make your bets and play against yourself.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Básico 2- Past simple

  • Present simple vs continuous worksheet, exercises 2 and 3. Básico 2-1 y 2-3. You can download the key if you click here.
  • Read the text on page 14. Básico 2-3
  • Remember to do your workbook. Básico 2-1 y 2-3

Pronunciation of regular verbs. Listen to this video and repeat the regular verbs.

En este podéis practicar frases

Pronunciation of some irregular verbs.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5 (regular verbs)
And many more exercises here You won't get bored (no os aburriréis)

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Básico1. Demonstrative pronouns

Homework for Tuesday:
  • Page 127, section 2A, exercise C. The first situation is "near", the second is "far" (la primera situación es "cerca", la segunda es "lejos").
  • Translate these sentences:
    • ¿Cuántos años tiene Marc? Tiene 15 años.
    • ¿De dónde son tus amigos? Pierre es francés y Moira es galesa.
    • ¿Estás casado? No, estoy soltero.
    • Estas son nuestras llaves y aquella es vuestra bolsa.
    • ¿Cómo se dice “revista” en inglés? Lo siento, no me acuerdo.
    • ¿Cómo se deletrea “Swedish”? y ¿cómo dice “Swedish”  en castellano?
  • Do the exercises in the workbook (id haciendo los ejercicios del workbook)
Pronunciation of the plural:
Watch the video and repeat the words. Don't worry about the last part (irregular plurals). You don't have to know them all.
Ved el vídeo y repetid las palabras. No os preocupéis por la última parte (plurales irregulares. No tenéis que saberlos todos.

Explicación de los demostrativos. Al final de la página hay un vídeo donde os muestra cómo pronunciar estas palabras.

Exercises to practise  this / that / these / those

This is the worksheet we did in class. The key is on the second page.
Esta es la ficha que hicimos en clase. La solución está en la segunda página.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Básico 1


  • Escribid un párrafo similar al que tenéis en la página 111. Cuidado con las mayúsculas.
  • Haced el ejercicio de vocabulario de la página 150. Si no podéis hacerlo todo,prestad más atención al segundo bloque (dibujos 14 al 22).

Aquí tenéis unas cuantas actividades para repasar. Para los que acabáis de empezar algunas os pueden parecer muy difíciles porque no sabéis el vocabulario y algunas frases están en pasado. No os preocupéis, no los hagáis.

  • Este ejercicio es para transformar una frase en forma negativa, interrogativa o afirmativa. Las soluciones están al final.
  • Este es de repaso de I-my, you-your... Recordad, si va junto con un nombre, my, your,... y si está con un verbo (am, is, are) probablemente necesitéis I, you, he...
  • Este es sobre el mismo tema, pero más difícil. En el primero os dan entre paréntesis a quién se refiere. En el segundo tenéis que elegirlo sin ayuda. El vocabulario y las estructuras en este es más difícil. 
  • Aquí tenéis una versión de "Mi barba tiene tres pelos" para practicar adjetivos posesivos.
Pero también la música sirve para aprender, en esta ocasión Hello, goodbye.
Mientras escucháis, ¿podríais ordenar estas frases según las dicen en la canción? Good luck! (buena suerte)
( ) You say GOODBYE and I say HELLO, HELLO, HELLO
( ) You say YES, I say NO.
( ) I don't know why you say GOODBYE I say HELLO.
( ) I say HIGH, you say LOW
( ) Oh, NO!
( ) You say STOP, I say GO, GO, GO.
( ) You say WHY and I say I DON'T KNOW.

La respuesta está en este enlace.

Básico 2- Halloween and homework

Would you like to know more about Halloween. Download this powerpoint and learn useful words.

 After that, you can do this reading exercise

And this is the speaking activity we worked with in class. If you want you can use the questions in one of the last slides to write a short story. You can hand it in in class or email it to me.

Your homework for next week is exercise 5 and the reading in this worksheet . If you can, read one of the texts on the first page of unit 2A and answer the reading questions on the left for the person you chose.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Halloween is coming!!!!

Concurso de epitafios

Puedes presentar tu propio diseño pero si no tienes mucho tiempo, desde aquí puedes descargarte una lápida en blanco.

¡Anímate y participa!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Básico 1-Numbers 1-100, Nationalities, To be


Now you know the numbers to A HUNDRED. Here you are a site to learn more.
Ahora ya sabéis los números hasta CIEN. Aquí tenéis una página para aprender más.
This song helps you to learn them.
Esta canción os ayuda a aprenderlos.


Use this video to revise countries, nationalities and the affirmative form of the verb "to be".
Usad este vídeo para repasar países, nacionalidades y la forma afirmativa del verbo "to be".

To be       +    -    ?

This explains the affirmative, negative and interrogative form of "to be".
Este  explica la forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa de "to be".

Use these links to practise. Some exercises have difficult vocabulary. Pay attention to the concordance person /verb.
Usad estos enlaces para practicar. Algunos ejercicios tienen un vocabulario difícil. Prestad atención a la concordancia persona/verbo. En la parte superior tenéis cuatro circulitos para hacer más ejercicios.

Present simple vs Present continuous

On this site you can watch it again and do the activity that comes with it.

To improve your PRONUNCIATION, try this site.

To practise the sound  /3:/ and "schwa" watch these videos:
"Schwa" Don't worry if you don't understand everything, it's difficult. Just listen and repeat the words.

And this video is to practice descriptions (hair and eyes). It's a bit long but you can also use it to improve your pronunciation if you listen and repeat.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Básico 1- Nationalities

Here you are the presentation for nationalities. I've added the sentences with the names of countries and nationalities. I hope you like it.
Aquí tenéis la presentación para las nacionalidades. He añadido las frases con los nombres de países y nacionalidades. Espero que os guste.

And this is another activity and its answer.
Y esta es  otra actividad y su respuesta.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Básico 2. Descriptions

I've also uploaded (subido) the grammar worksheets for units 1A and 1B (if you come to class, you don't need to download them).
Your homework for next week is:

And this is the official video of the song we listened to in class today. Enjoy it.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Libros de texto para el curso 2013-14

Libros de texto para BÁSICO 1:
  • English File Elementary (Third Edition). Editorial Oxford University Press 2012. Libro de texto y cuaderno de ejercicios con clave.
  • Recomendado: Essential Grammar In Use by Raymond Murphy. Editorial Cambridge. THIRD Edition (Edición en castellano con respuestas)
Libros de texto para BÁSICO 2:
  • English File Pre-intermediate (Third Edition). Editorial Oxford University Press 2012. Libro de texto y cuaderno de ejercicios con clave.
  • Recomendado: Essential Grammar In Use by Raymond Murphy. Editorial Cambridge. THIRD Edition (Edición en castellano con respuestas)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Básico 1, Intermedio 1

¿Queréis volver a escuchar los ejercicios de repaso que hemos hecho estos días?
Básico 1

Intermedio 1

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Básico 1

Sorry for the delay. I've just uploaded some listening activities with answers. I hope you like them.
Siento el retraso. Acabo de subir algunos listenings con respuestas. Espero que os gusten.

Do you remember an ad with this song? There's an activity for you to do. Click here.
¿Recordáis un anuncio con esta canción? Hay una actividad para que la hagáis.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Intermedio 1- House and quantifiers

Some people told me yesterday they had problems with the PowerPoint "Houses". After downloading the presentation, open the file.Then press F5 to view the presentation. Now you will be able to listen to the words. But remember, there is no sound until slide 5, parts of the house.
Another posibility is to download this other presentation. Click here.
I've uploaded some extra listening tasks.
We'll work with this presentation about quantifiers next week.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Intermedio 1- Friends

Here you are some more vocabulary to talk about relationships and some questions to help you talk about friends.

And revise conditional sentences with this song. Click here to download the worksheet.

Your homework for next Monday is the reading text "Edit your friends" in unit 4C. I've also added some extra files for units 4A and 4B.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Intermedio 1- Conditional sentences- The house

Homework for Wednesday:
Student's book, page 137, Section 4B, exercises A and B.
Reading on pages 58 and 59.
Conditional sentences: What would you do if...?
Click on the link above and practise conditional sentences in different ways.
This is a presentation to revise conditionals types 0, 1 and two.

And this is to practise vocabulary related to "The House". If you click on the words you'll hear the pronunciation.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Básico 1: Clothes

Do you want to learn more vocabulary for clothes?
En esta presentación, al pasar el ratón por encima de la palabra, podréis oir como se pronuncia. Siento que no se pueda ver desde este post, tenéis que descargarla.
¿Y qué mejor forma de practicar que con una canción? Espero que os guste. ¿Podéis completar este ejercicio?

En esta carpeta podéis encontrar ejercicios variados para repasar los pronombres personales. Algunos son un poco difíciles, para los amantes de los retos.

Friday, 22 March 2013

The Logical Song (The Official Music Video) - Athena Reich

Do this worksheet while you listen this modern version of Supertramp's "The Logical Song". If you prefer the original, here it is.

And this is your homework for next week: Reading on page 47. And if we didn't finish the exercise about -ed, -ing adjectives, do it as well.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Básico 1- Present continuous

Espero que se vea bien en vuestros ordenadores porque los tipos de letra son diferentes y algunas veces se "descoloca todo". Si os da problemas, decídmelo.
I hope you like this video. Try to make the sentences when you see the pictures. The answers to the "Now you try" section are at the bottom of the post.
Espero que os guste este vídeo. Intentad hacer las frases cuando veáis las imágenes. Las respuestas a la sección "Ahora inténtalo tú" están al final del post.

She is cooking.
She is taking a bath.
What is she doing? She is dancing.
What is she doing? She is drinking water
What are they doing? They are eating.
What is he doing? He is reading.
What is he doing? He is reading.
What is he doing? He is sleeping.
What is she doing? She is using a computer.
What is he doing? He is watching TV.

Here you are more links to practise:
Aquí tenéis más enlaces para practicar:

Intermedio 1- Physycal descriptions - Homework

Translate the following sentences:

  • ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que fuiste al cine o al teatro?
  • No me acuerdo bien pero creo que todavía no me había casado con mi tercer marido. Fui con un grupo de amigos al cine que está a la vuelta de la esquina. ¿Qué tal si vamos hoy después de comer?
  • ¿Sabes lo que echan?
  • No, pero podemos buscar en internet. A mi me encantan los dibujos animados, ¿y a ti?
  • Estoy de acuerdo.
Do the reading exercise on page 42 and 43.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Básico 1- Homework

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Sé nadar pero no sé bailar.
  2. ¿Dónde puedo hacer mis deberes?
  3. Es una película muy interesante pero no puedo verla (-la= it)
  4. ¿Cuándo llegas a casa? Llego el lunes a las 3.
  5. Nunca me relajo los fines de semana.
  6. Casi nunca voy de compras por la mañana.
Tened cuidado con el orden de las palabras, comprobad que la frase tiene sujeto y prestad atención a las preposiciones.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Intermedio 1-Game to revise grammar

Try this game to revise your grammar. I hope you like it.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Intermedio 1. Modal verbs

This is the presentation about modal verbs. We've just worked with the first 10 slides.

These are the answers to the exercises in the grammar bank.

You can do the task on this worksheet as you listen to the song. If you prefer a more modern version, you can choose between Shreck or King Arthur.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Básico 1- Queen - 'Who Wants To Live Forever'

This is the song we listened to yesterday. The answers are on this worksheet. I prefer this version.

Aquí podéis encontrar la correspondencia de unidades del libro de texto y la gramática "Essential Grammar in Use". Os puede orientar, pero algunas unidades, por vocabulario o estructuras, pueden ser difíciles.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Intermedio 1- Homework and reading


  • Do the writing activity at the end of unit 6. You can write a review of a film or a book, following the structure and using the expressions on page 97. Remember: when you tell the plot of a film or a book you must use present tenses, as in the text about Cinema Paradiso.
  • We'll correct the grammar, vocabulary on page 98 and the reading on page 99.
These are the answers to the reading on page 94. We won't do it in class, so this is voluntary work.

Aung San Suu-Kyi - 5
Bono - 1
Thierry Henry - 2
Bernard Kouchner - 3
Queen Rania of Jordan - 4

A - Thierry Henry
B - Queen Rania of Jordan
C - Bono
D - Aung San Suu-Kyi
E - Bernard Kouchner

Bono. He couldn't take the child with him
Queen Rania of Jordan by getting children vaccinated.
Aung San Suu-Kyi. She chose her job.
Bernard Kourchner. He participated actively himself in aid work.
Bono and Thierry Henry. Bono is trying to free Africa of hunger and poverty, and Henry is trying to eradicate racism from sport.

2 - modernity
3 - hunger
4- poverty
5- choice
6- operation
7- sale

Casablanca, relatives

Is Casablanca your favourite classic film?  This is part of the video we watched in class last week.
The following sentences all appear in the film trailer. Number them 1-8 according to the order you hear them.
a) _____ Isn’t it about time we play it again?
b) _____ Ingrid Bergman is Ilsa, the last woman he ever expected to see.
c) _____ If you knew how much I loved you, how much I still love you.
d) _____ He’s travelling with a lady.
e) _____ You have to think for both of us. For all of us.
f) _____ I stick my neck out for nobody.
g) _____ There is a man arrived in Casablanca on his way to America.
h) _____ That’s my least vulnerable spot.

The answers are at the bottom of the post.

This is to revise relatives:

Intermedio 1-2: we'll correct this worksheet on Monday. Intermedio 1-1: we corrected it today.
Here you can practise defining and non defining relative clauses. Don't worry if you are told the answers you've typed are incorrect. Click "Show answer" and you will be given all the options. You can write the answers on a piece of paper instead.
On this site you can work on other grammar points.

Answers:     a-8      b- 4      c-5      d-3    e-6      f-1      g-2      h-7
Watch this video of three teachers talking about their daily routine.
Ve este vídeo de tres profesores hablando de su rutina diaria.
There are subtitles to help you understand what they say.
Hay subtítulos para ayudarte a entender lo que dicen.
Then complete each sentence with the name of each teacher: Kim Ashman (KM), San Valentine (SV) or Claire Gowran (CG).
Luego completa cada frase con el nombre de un profesor...
The answers are below the video.
Las respuestas están después del vídeo.

  1.  ___________ wakes up the first of the three teachers.
  2. ___________ doesn’t do any exercise.
  3. ___________ doesn’t watch TV in the evening.
  4. ___________ does exercise in the afternoon.
  5. ___________ uses his / her computer in the morning.
  6. ___________ goes to bed very late.
  7. ___________ has two showers every day.
  8. ___________ finishes work the last (=el último).
  9. ___________ reads a book to her children.
  10. ___________ has a shower after lunch.

  1.   CG  wakes up the first of the three teachers.
  2. SV doesn’t do any exercise.
  3. CG doesn’t watch TV in the evening.
  4. CG does exercise in the morning.
  5. SV uses his / her computer in the morning.
  6. SV goes to bed very late.
  7. CG has two showers every day.
  8. KA finishes work the last (=el último).
  9. SV reads a book to her children.
  10. KA has a shower after lunch.

I hope this PowerPoint helps you with prepositions. There are some expressions that you don't need to learn this year.
Espero que esta presentación os ayude con las preposiciones. Hay expresiones que no necesitáis aprender este año.
And this is the listening about Alfie we did in class the other day: exercise, audio

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Básico 1- Writing

A continuación tenéis las viñetas de la historia "A day in the life of an English teacher". Usadlas para escribir una pequeña redacción en presente. ¡Cuidado! Es tercera persona del singular, así que revisad las "s".
Y estos son algunos consejos para que os salga mejor:
  1. Pensad lo que vais a decir y haced algún apunte si os parece necesario.
  2. NUNCA escribas la redacción primero en castellano.
  3. Ceñíos a las estructuras y el vocabulario que conocéis.
  4. Si queréis que os sirva como práctica para los exámenes, marcáos un límite de tiempo y no uséis diccionarios ni gramáticas.
  5. Cuando acabéis la redacción, revisadla bien: tiene que haber sujeto, cuidado con los tiempos y las formas verbales, el orden de las palabras, errores de ortografía y puntuación, mayúsculas.
  6. Si no se un ejercicio para un examen usad diccionarios y gramáticas para resolver vuestras dudas.
Podéis entregármela en clase la semana que viene (o cuando podáis). Pero si os va más la tecnología, podéis  enviármela por email.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Básico 1: reading and listening

These are the reading comprehension worksheets (with answers) I gave in class yesterday. You can use them to practise before the exam.
Estos son los readings con respuestas que os di en clase  ayer. Podéis usarlos para practicar antes del examen.
Before printing, check that you don't have a copy in paper.
Antes de imprimir, comprobad que no tenéis una copia en papel.

This is a worksheet to revise the possessive case and its answers.
Esta es  una copia para revisar el caso posesivo y las respuestas.

Your homework for Wednesday: make questions for these answers:
Vuestra tarea para el miércoles: haced preguntas para estas respuestas:

  • He lives in a small flat.
  • The bar is near the station.
  • No, I don't like burgers.
  • She has three cups of coffee.
  • We work with other people.

I think I gave you a copy of some exercises for the video below long, long time ago. If you don't have it, you can download it. Watch the video as many times as you need. When you finish you can click here to see the answers.
Creo que os di una copia de unos ejercicios para el vídeo a continuación hace mucho, mucho tiempo. Si no la tenéis, podési descargarla  Ved el vídeo tantas veces como necesitéis. Cuando acabéis podéis  hacer clic aquí para ver las respuestas.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Try this quiz

Can you pass the British immigration exam?
How much do you know about Britain.
It'll take just a few minutes. Good luck.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

I'd like to remind you that there won't be class on Monday: it's Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Intermedio 1- Homework

The February exam (reading, listening and writing) will be on 4th / 5th of February, in class.
These are the answers to the grammar bank exercises in your student's book, unit 2.
Download the worksheet and do the reading about money for Wednesday/Thursday and the one about holidays for next week.
And here you are the grammar for "Reported speech: commands and requests".

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Básico 1-Homework

Do the activities for unit 3C in your workbook.
Make questions for these sentences as in the example:

  • She is from Madrid -> Where is she from?
Do the same with these answers:
  1. Z-E-L-L-W-E-G-E-R. _______________________________?
  2. She's 8 years old. _______________________________?
  3. We like Colin Firth because he is very good-looking. _______________________________?
  4. He has 3 friends from Egypt. _______________________________?
  5. I have a big car. _______________________________?
Click here to watch a video and do exercises about telling the time. The listening activities can be a little difficult.
Haced clic aquí para ver un vídeo y hacer ejercicios para decir la hora. Los listenings pueden ser un poco difíciles.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Intermedio1- Homework

This is the presentation of reported speech.

Intermedio 1 (Tuesday/Thursday): do the activity for "death" on the first page of this worksheet.
Intermedio 2 (Monday/Wednesday): do activities a and b on the second page of this worksheet.