Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Vocabulary Calendar and other stuff (.. y otras cosillas)

Would you like to learn a new word every day? Here is a calendar which can help you.
And from this link you can find lots of activities to practise grammar, vocabulary, do crosswords, etc. Give it a try!

Básico 1
Os gustaría aprender una palabra cada día? Este calendario  os puede ayudar.
Y en este enlace hay actividades para practicar vocabulario, hacer crucigramas. Los ejercicios de gramática pueden ser un poco difíciles, pero podéis echar un vistazo.

Homework intermedio 1, 25th January

There is a reading activity for Thursday that you can download if you click here.
Do also sentences 1-7 in the exercise about reported speech for orders that you can download from this link. Sentences 8-14 are for Tuesday next week.