Saturday, 29 October 2011

Intermedio 1

This is the PowerPoint presentation for the present simple and continuous.

You can also have a look at the grammar book (Intermediate Language Practice) for further practice. We've alredy checked unit 2, so do unit 3 for next Thursday 3rd November and I'll solve any doubts you can come across.

Do also the two exercises on top of this worksheet. We'll correct them in class.

There are extra online activities on these sites:
The Grammar Aquarium

And you can listen to the song by Lenny Kravitz and download the worksheet.

Básico 1-1 y 1-3 -Homework

Would you like to revise vocabulary playing "hangman"? Click here, choose a category and play. Good luck!
¿Os gustaría revisar vocabulario jugando al "ahorcado"? Pinchad aquí, elegid una categoría y jugad. ¡Buena suerte!

Y un poco menos divertido:

This is the listening activity we did in class. You can find the answers on the last page.
Este es el listening que hicimos en clase. Podéis encontrar las respuestas en la última página.

If you can't install the workbook DVD, you can download unit 1 y unit 2 and do it. Write down any doubts you have and ask me in class.
Si tenéis problemas para instalar el DVD del libro de ejercicios,  podéis descargar la unidad 1 y unidad 2 y hacerlas. Anotad las dudas y preguntadme en clase.

Have a look at unit 61 in your grammar book (the big red one). Do exercises 1, 2, and 3. Exercise 4 is a bit difficult, I'm afraid I don't remember which sentences are easier, I'll update this post on Wednesday.Do sentences 3, 6, 7, 8 and 10.
Echad un vistazo a la unidad 61 de la gramática (el libro rojo grande). Haced los ejercicios 1, 2 y 3. El ejercicio 4 es un poco difícil, me temo que no recuerdo qué frases son más sencillas. Actualizaré esta entrada el miércoles.  Haced las frases 3, 6, 7, 8 y 10.