Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Básico 1- Present continuous

Espero que se vea bien en vuestros ordenadores porque los tipos de letra son diferentes y algunas veces se "descoloca todo". Si os da problemas, decídmelo.
I hope you like this video. Try to make the sentences when you see the pictures. The answers to the "Now you try" section are at the bottom of the post.
Espero que os guste este vídeo. Intentad hacer las frases cuando veáis las imágenes. Las respuestas a la sección "Ahora inténtalo tú" están al final del post.

She is cooking.
She is taking a bath.
What is she doing? She is dancing.
What is she doing? She is drinking water
What are they doing? They are eating.
What is he doing? He is reading.
What is he doing? He is reading.
What is he doing? He is sleeping.
What is she doing? She is using a computer.
What is he doing? He is watching TV.

Here you are more links to practise:
Aquí tenéis más enlaces para practicar:

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