Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Christmas homework. Intermedio 1

Sorry for not posting your homework before.
This is the worksheet I handed out on 20th December.
Have a look at the writing activity on page 33 in your classbook. Choose one of the opening sentences and continue the story (about 130- 170 words).
You can hand it in after Christmas or email it to me.
Have a happy new year.

Christmas homework. Básico 1

I hope you have had a fantastic Christmas day with your family and friends.
Espero que hayáis tenido una feliz navidad con vuestra familia y amigos.

Sorry for not posting your homework before.
Siento no haber publicado antes vuestra tarea.

Finish the exercises on page 35 in your classbook.
Acabad los ejercicios de la página 35 del libro.

This is the copy I gave in class as homework.
Esta es la copia que di en clase como tarea el último día.

And if you have time and want to, you can write a composition talking about sport.
Y si tenéis tiempo y queréis, haced una composición sobre el deporte.

Have a happy new year.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Talk in English

There'll be a talk whose title is "A traditional British Christmas" by Tamsin Stirling  & Bethan Morgan in room 6 on Monday 12th  at 17.00 and also on Tuesday 13th at 11.00.
I hope you can go and enjoy it.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Básico 1-3. Homework

This is your homework for next week.  Download the worksheet and do the first page for Monday.

Esta es la tarea para la próxima semana. Descargad esta copia y haced la primera página en casa para el lunes.

We did a listening exercise. Listen to it twice or three times and correct the wrong information.  Download the worksheet.
Hemos hecho un listening. Escuchadlo 2 ó 3 veces y corregid la información incorrecta. Descarga el ejercicio.

And you can also listen to this song by Katy Perry and complete the gaps with the words in the boxes. Download the worksheet.
Y también podéis escuchar esta canción de Katy Perry y completar los huecos con las palabras de los recuadros.  Descargad el ejercicio.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Básico 1-1- Homework for 13th December

Como tenéis mucho tiempo libre si no podéis venir a clase descargad esta copia y hacedla en casa.

En la gramática "Essential Grammar in Use", página 173, ejercicio 2. Si el vocabulario es muy difícil, podéis usar este diccionario online "wordreference.com". Tenéis un enlace a la derecha.

Este es el listening que hicimos el martes. Desde este enlace podéis escuchar el audio.

Listen to Mark describing a photo of his family. Tick (ü) A, B, or C.
1  Jill is __________.                
               30            13            28      
2  Michael is Jill’s __________.         
               brother            father            husband      
3  Joe is __________.                 
               at school          at university            at work      
4  Barbara works in __________.    
               a school            a university            a hospital      
5  Sue lives in __________.             
               Spain            Portugal            England      

Intermedio 1- Homework

This is the second part of your homework for these holidays.
The worksheet has some grammar explanations and exercises (in order to, so as to...), a cloze text and a song which we will work with in class.
Do also "Language focus: describing habits" on page 28, Global pre-intermediate student's book.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

This is the reading exercise for next week. I'll upload more on Friday.
And this is the presentation about the infinitive. Enjoy it.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Intermedio 1- Happy Thanksgiving

If you want to know a bit more about the most popular dessert on Thanksgiving day, watch this video. You can download a worksheet and answer the questions (the key is on the second page, don't look until you have finished).

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Intermedio 1- Homework for Thursday and Friday

From this link you can download the handout with your homework for this week.
We'll correct the grammar about quantifiers on Thursday (page 2) and the reading activity on Friday (page 1)
There is further practice on quantifiers on this powerpoint presentation. We did the las slide in class, but not the others.
Remember there is a Thanksgiving quizz you can take part in and have some fun. Guess what the four words related to Thanksgiving are. Good luck!

Básico 1

Here you are some links to practise grammar. I hope they are not too difficult.

Aquí tenéis algunos enlaces para practicar gramática. Espero que no sean demasiado difíciles.

There is / there are:

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Intermedio 1-Homework for next week

Too much information about quantifiers this morning? Sorry.
You can download the presentation. You can also do unit 30 in your grammar book although it has more to do with countable and uncountable nouns than with quantifiers.
And you can improve your pronunciation thanks to the BBC. On this worksheet you have a link to the BBC. Watch the videos and and answer the questions. The answers are at the bottom.
And if you want to listen and repeat the activities, you can download "Audacity" and record your performance.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Básico 1

Remember to bring your grammar book next week.
Acordaos de traer la gramática la próxima semana
You have to do the reading text at the end of the unit. You can also do unit 3 in your workbook.
Tenéis que hacer la lectura del final de la unidad. También tenéis el workbook. Id haciendo la unidad 3.
And for next week (or later) write a paragraph about your family, their names, age, nationality, their relation with you... It doesn't have to be very long. Remember you can email it to me or hand it in in class.
Y para la próxima semana (o más tarde) escribid un párrafo sobre vuestra familia, nombre, edad, nacionalidad, su relación con vosotros (por ejemplo "Pepe es el hermano de mi madre, está casado, es de Málaga y tiene 30 años. Su mujer galesa....). No tiene que ser muy larga. Recordad que podéis mandarme un correo o entregármela en clase.

Y esta es la canción que puse en clase. Espero que os guste.
And this is the song I played in class. I hope you like it.

Básico 1-3. Homework

Do these exercises for Wednesday:
Global Beginner, page 21, exercise 1 (hacer preguntas con las palabras que os dan) and exercise 3 (elegid la opción correcta en el texto).

Esta es la solución al ejercicio de transformación de frases con "am, is, are" en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

This is the worksheet to practise the genitive. You can do it at home again and send me the answers if you want me to correct them.

Esta es la actividad para practicar el genitivo. Podéis hacerla en casa otra vez y enviarme las respuestas si queréis que os la corrija.

And this is to practise the family vocabulary with "The Simpsons". The key is on the second page. Their family tree is this.

Y con esto podéis practicar el vocabulario de la familia con los Simpson. Las soluciones están en la segunda página. Este es su árbol genealógico.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Intermedio 1- Homework for 17th November

Do you like writing? This time it's an informal e-mail, using the useful phrases that appear on this worksheet.
The reason for writing has to be related to food somehow: either you plan to have a celebration with friends, or you've enjoyed a meal with friends/family and tell the receiver of the email about it, or you've gone to a fantastic restaurant and want to recommend it...
Remember, the "excuse" is food/restaurants.
You can hand it in in class or send an email.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Básico 1 - Homework for next week

Básico 1- Tuesday, 15th November and Básico 3- Monday, 14th November.

Essential English Grammar. Unit 64, ejercicio 3 (creo que las frases 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 y 10).
Haced los dos primeros ejercicios de esta página.

Básico 1- Thursday 17th November and Básico 3- Wednesday, 16th November.
Haced los dos ejercicios que acompañan a la lectura "Studying in the UK" de la página que descargásteis antes. En el primero tenéis que decidir si la frase es verdadera (true), falsa (false) o no se menciona (doesn't say).

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Intermedio 1. Homework for next week

We've finished unit 1, so, please do the activities in your workbook. If you have problems with the DVD, let me know. We've printed a copy and also made a DVD with the videos and a CD with the audios so that you can use them on any player and not only in your computer.

These are the copies I gave you in class today:
What makes a good language learner
Expressions with place and touch
Reading about Madonna

Your homework:

  • Tuesday, 8th: the reading text about Madonna. Remember: first read the text and try to understand it, don't try to fill in the gaps. Do that the second time.
    If you feel like, read the text on page 15 in your classbook and do the reading and language focus exercises.
  • Thursday, 10th: a writing of about 120 words making an attractive description of a person, real or imaginary so as to be the introduction for a social networking site.
  • Tuesday 15th: Intermediate Language Practice, at the end of the book you have some units to learn new vocabulary. Do unit 10 which is about friends and family.
And finally, the answer to the "Brain teaser" is:
The married couples are:
Ingrid and Larry
Edward and Fanny
Helen and John
Alan and Karen
Gordon and Maggie
David and Barbara
Caroline and Nigel

Básico 1- Homework for next week

¡Por fin hemos acabado la unidad 2!
Recordad que el libro viene acompañado de un DVD que contiene el cuaderno de ejercicios y actividades extras para practicar en casa. De todas ellas tenéis las soluciones, así que podéis corregirlos vosotros mismos y en clase me preguntáis las dudas. ¿Os parece bien a final de semana?
Si os da problemas la instalación del DVD, decídmelo.
A partir de la semana que viene en la biblioteca habrá una copia en papel del libro de ejercicios y un CD con los audios. Podréis sacarlo en préstamo.
Este ejercicio es para que practiquéis los adjetivos posesivos: "my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Intermedio 1

This is the PowerPoint presentation for the present simple and continuous.

You can also have a look at the grammar book (Intermediate Language Practice) for further practice. We've alredy checked unit 2, so do unit 3 for next Thursday 3rd November and I'll solve any doubts you can come across.

Do also the two exercises on top of this worksheet. We'll correct them in class.

There are extra online activities on these sites:
The Grammar Aquarium

And you can listen to the song by Lenny Kravitz and download the worksheet.

Básico 1-1 y 1-3 -Homework

Would you like to revise vocabulary playing "hangman"? Click here, choose a category and play. Good luck!
¿Os gustaría revisar vocabulario jugando al "ahorcado"? Pinchad aquí, elegid una categoría y jugad. ¡Buena suerte!

Y un poco menos divertido:

This is the listening activity we did in class. You can find the answers on the last page.
Este es el listening que hicimos en clase. Podéis encontrar las respuestas en la última página.

If you can't install the workbook DVD, you can download unit 1 y unit 2 and do it. Write down any doubts you have and ask me in class.
Si tenéis problemas para instalar el DVD del libro de ejercicios,  podéis descargar la unidad 1 y unidad 2 y hacerlas. Anotad las dudas y preguntadme en clase.

Have a look at unit 61 in your grammar book (the big red one). Do exercises 1, 2, and 3. Exercise 4 is a bit difficult, I'm afraid I don't remember which sentences are easier, I'll update this post on Wednesday.Do sentences 3, 6, 7, 8 and 10.
Echad un vistazo a la unidad 61 de la gramática (el libro rojo grande). Haced los ejercicios 1, 2 y 3. El ejercicio 4 es un poco difícil, me temo que no recuerdo qué frases son más sencillas. Actualizaré esta entrada el miércoles.  Haced las frases 3, 6, 7, 8 y 10.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Rock Around the Clock

Do you like music? This is a song to practise numbers 1-12. You can download the worksheet and the key if you click here.
¿Te gusta la música? Esta canción es para practicar los números 1-12. Puedes descargar la actividad y la solución si pinchas aquí.

Intermedio 1- Homework

I've uploaded a new version of the worksheet "Like - look like" because there was a mistake in the key (thanks Eduardo for telling me"). This new version can also be opened with previous versions of Microsof Office Word or OpenOffice.
You can also download a file converter. Read this article and if you find the programme convenient, download it from this link, install it and you won't have any further problems to open Word 2007 documents.

And now your homework: Do unit 2 in your grammar book for Thursday, 27th and unit 3 for Thursday 3rd.

I've also uploaded a reading activity about Obama. We'll correct it in class next week too.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Intermedio 1-2

Was today's lesson difficult? You can download the activity from this link, but don't print it: I had made the copies but somebody took them by mistake and they appeared on my desk at the end of the morning. I'll give them to you tomorrow. The activity is adapted from http://www.learn-english-online.org.
There's another worksheet you can use for further practice.
All the extra activities can be downloaded from this link.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Intermedio 1-2 Describing people

Hi everybody.
This is my first post for you. I hope you find this blog useful and it helps you improve your English.
Couldn't you come to class today? Don't worry, you can download the PowerPoint presentation about describing people. Think celebrities and use the new vocabulary to describe them.
If you click on the tab (pestaña) "Files Intermedio 1" you can download copies of the activities, extra practise worksheets.

To be: am, is, are

Practise "To be" with these exercises: (Practica "To be" con estos ejercicios)
Multiple choice (opción múltiple)
Choose the correct word (elige la palabra correcta: hay formas interrogativas)
Fill in the gaps (rellenar huecos: hay formas negativas e interrogativas)
Fill in the gaps in the text (rellena los huecos del texto -un poco más difícil)
Various exercises: (ejercicios variados, pasa al siguiente usando el botón "NEXT =>". Algunos son para la forma negativa e interrogativa)

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Do you need help with the alphabet? Here are some links to practise. I hope you like them.
¿Necesitas ayuda con el alfabeto? Aquí tienes enlaces para practicar. Espero que te gusten.

Un juego

Palabras  deletreadas

Estos son los siguientes capítulos: Spelling 2Spelling 3
Y si quieres más, teclea en Youtube "Spelling" con un número y diviértete.

Y estos son los números hasta 10.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Básico 1- listenings

You didn't have time to finish your listening activities. You can do them at home.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Intermedio 1- Listening

If you didn't have time to finish the listenings in the lab, you can do them at home.
These are the links to practise the use of articles:

These are for the infinitive and gerund:

And these are the listening activities for files 5 to 7 and an end of course test. Keys and tapescripts are included.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Básico 1. Present simple or present continuous?

Click on these links to practise the difference between the present simple and the present continuous.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Intermedio 1 - Quantifiers and word formation (unit 5 A)

This is the link to the presentation about QUANTIFIERS. There's a new exercise at the end for you to practise.
On these sites you can practise more:
Here you can practise WORD FORMATION:

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Básico 1. Personal Pronouns

Here you are the Present continuous PowerPoint presentation.  Click here and enjoy it.
Recordad que mañana hacermos una redacción en clase que puntúa, así que revisad los verbos irregulares en pasado y un poquito de vocabulario.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Homework intermedio 1, 12th April

If you couldn't come to school today you missed a writing test. You can choose one of them or do both and e-mail them to me.
If you want to do it as practice for your exam, set a time limit (30 minutes per activity) and don't use any dictionaries or reference books.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Homework Intermedio 1 - 5th April

This is the activity we did in class to practise conditional sentences.
Your homework for tomorrow is the reading activity on pages 58-59, about "La Casa Azúl".
There are two extra readings for next week which you can download from this link.
I'd also like to remind you that on 19th of April you have to speak about one of the books you have to read this year. You can organise your ideas with the sheets I gave you to talk about films.
It is a speaking activity, so  you can write some notes but you CAN'T read everything.
We'll do it at the language lab and I'll record it in order to mark it, so, start practising.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Intermedio 1 - 31st March

You can download the new version of the conditional sentences presentation. It includes type 2, and the format is different. And the one about the house is available too. And so is the crossword puzzle.
As I told you today, there's a programme which converts Office 2007 documents into doc documents. You can download it by clicking on this link. Once it is installed, you won't have any problems to open word, excel or powerpoint documents. It is very easy to install, and it's FREE.
And if you like Madness, listen to their song "Our House". Do this exercise (click here).

As soon as I scan the exercise, I'll upgrade the post. This is your homework for Tuesday.

The Wall, by Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd have just been in Spain. If you want to know more about this band and their music, click here.
But you can always enjoy their music. This is one of their most famous songs and it deals with education.

And now, fill in the gaps:

We don't ___________ no ___________
We dont ___________ no ___________ control
No dark sarcasm in the ___________
___________ leave them kids ___________
Hey! ___________! Leave them kids ___________!
___ ___ ____ it's just another ___________ in the wall.
___ ___ ____ you're just another ___________ in the wall.

Actuación de Andrew Marshall

El próximo martes, 5 de abril, volverá a actuar en la EOI el actor Andrew Marshall.
Habrá 2 representaciones. La primera, titulada "Mad World Challenge", será a las 5 de la tarde y va dirigida a los alumnos de nivel básico e intermedio 1.
A las siete de la tarde la función es "Titanic!!! The Stage Play" será para alumnos de nivel intermedio 2 y avanzado.
¡No os lo perdáis! Sus espectáculos son realmente divertidos y  fáciles de entender. Merece la pena volver a la escuela por la tarde.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Homework intermedio 1, 25th March

These are  the activities for next week:
Revision of Unit 3. Download from here.
Writing activity using the instructions and topic at the end of unit 3. You can hand it in in class or email it to me.
You can also download the PowerPoint presentation about conditional sentences.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Home, sweet home. Básico 1

Usad este enlace para repasar el vocabulario de la casa. Es un archivo ejecutable, así que antes de descargarlo probablemente veáis una advertencia de seguridad: no contiene ningún virus, podéis estar seguros.
Y también podéis descargar el crucigrama para hacerlo más adelante.


Homework intermedio 1, 22nd March

Would you like to practise modal verbs? Try this quiz just for fun.
Your homework for Thursday is the revision activities at the end of unit 3, pages 51 and the reading activity on page 52.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Friday, 11 March 2011

Homework Básico 1 - 11th March

If you couldn't come to class on Thursday translate these texts.

For 16th March

Ayer  no desayuné en casa.
¿Compraste los libros y los llevaste al colegio?
Nunca se casó porque era muy independiente.
Fui muy feliz en aquel hotel aunque (although) no fui contigo.
¿Cuándo vino tu familia a Torrelavega?
Cuando era pequeño no me gustaban los coches.
¿Dónde naciste? Nací en un pueblo muy pequeño cerca del mar.
Ayer nos levantamos temprano,  hicimos la tarea de inglés y luego enviamos  navegamos por internet (surf the Internet).

For 17th March

Mel:¿Qué hiciste el pasado fin de semana?
Gabriel: No mucho. El sábado salí con mis amigos y los hermanos de Jane. Lo pasamos muy bien. El domingo estaba muy cansado y me quedé en casa.  ¿Y tú?
M: Yo tuve un examen el viernes y el sábado estaba bastante cansado. Dormí la siesta y por la tarde vinieron unos amigos a mi casa, vimos una película muy interesante. Era sueca. Y ayer por la mañana monté en bicicleta. ¿Te gusta hacer deporte?
G: No mucho. A mí me gusta caminar pero odio otros deportes.

Intermedio 1- 11th March

You can download two reading activities for next week from the tab "Files Intermedio 1" in the folder "Reading". We'll correct "Energy drinks" on Tuesday and "Ugly but beautiful" on Thursday.
The PowerPoint presentation about "Fashion Tribes" is also available.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Básico 1- Pronunciation of the past simple

¿Os gustó la presentación de esta mañana? Podéis descargarla pinchando aquí.
La tarea para el fin de semana largo, largo (no hay clase hasta el próximo jueves), es empezar a estudiar los verbos irregulares. Tenéis un listado al final del libro de clase y en la gramática, en los apéndices del final, encontraréis los verbos irregulares organizados en bloques, por similitud entre sus formas.
Y si hacéis click aquí, conseguiréis la que di en clase.

Activities for Intermedio 1

Here's a presentation to practise the vocabulary you need to describe people.
The words like and look like are very useful for this. Download the activity we did in class today. The key is at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

You Can Leave Your Hat On

Just enjoy the music. Podéis descargar la actividad desde la pestaña Básico 1, en la carpeta de listening. Está incluida la solución.
I hope you like it.

Homework intermedio 1, 1st March

We are working with modal verbs to express obligation. There is some extra practice if you click here. We'll correct it on Thursday. We'll also correct the reading about the Internet. You can download it from the tab "Files Intermedio 1". It's in the folder named "Reading".
And since there's no class next Tuesday, you can do the extra reading activities in the same folder.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Homework Básico 1 - 24th February

Acabamos la unidad 4 así que podéis hacer el ejercicio de Writing de la página 49. Intentad hacerlo en media hora y usad las preguntas del ejercicio B para organizar vuestra redacción.
Hoy hemos empezado el futuro del verbo "To be". Podéis revisar la unidad 11 de "Essential Grammar in Use" y hacer los ejercicios 1 y 2.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Intermedio 1. Reading

Did you like the film Avatar? You can do a reading exercise about this blockbuster.
Just click on the tab "Files Intermedio 1" and you'll see a folder called "Reading" which contains the activity.
Enjoy it.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Today we worked with vocabulary and we talked about icons. Download the PowerPoint presentation to practise at home. Use a monolingual dictionary if you have one; on the Internet, a good option is http://www.macmillandictionary.com.
Your homework for next week is to write a review about a film or a book. Set a time limit of 30 minutes to do it, don't use dictionaries or reference books while writing. Use them at the end of the task to check spelling, grammar, etc. You can hand it in in class or e-mail it to me.

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Today we worked with vocabulary and we talked about icons. Download the presentation to practise at home. Use a monolingual dictionary if you have one.

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Today we worked with vocabulary

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Monday, 21 February 2011

Homework Básico 1, 21st February

Haced los ejercicios de la página 50 del libro de clase.
En este enlace podéis descargar el ejercicio que hicimos hoy en clase. Es muy difícil, lo siento.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

In the Name of the Father

I hope you can understand the song better than this morning. Sorry.
This is a different version. At the bottom of the post there are links to other versions.
You can download the exercise and the key if you click here.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Básico 1. Personal Pronouns

Si queréis repetir el ejercicio que hicimos la semana pasada en clase sobre like, hate..., podéis descargarlo desde la pestaña de básico 1, en la sección de gramática. Están también las soluciones y ejercicios de las unidades anteriores.
También encontraréis el ejercicio que hicimos hoy. Pinchad aquí.
Estas son las soluciones:
Exercise 1:
1- you     2- it     3- him     4- them     5- me     6- her     7- you     8- it     9- me     10- him     11- her     12- them     13- you     14- us     15- you
Exercise 2:
1- me     2- him     3- them     4- us     5- her     6- him     7- us     8- me     9- them     10- her

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Homework intermedio 1, 8th February

We continued working with films and the cinema. Download this copy. Use the vocabulary and expressions on the left side to write reviews. Most of them can be used both for films and books.
The movie cloze is your homework for Thursday.
You can also do units 16 and 17  except exercise 4, unit 17 (Passive voice 1, 2). If you have difficulties with the exercises, we'll revise them next week.
There's a new grammar point we've worked with and which deals with the passive: "Have something done". You can download the activity and correct it. The key is on the second page.
On Thursday there'll be another part of your February tests.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Homework Básico 1. 7th February

Empezamos la unidad 4B. Son verbos para expresar cosas que te gustan o no. Van seguidos de gerundio que en inglés se hace añadiendo "-ing" al verbo. Pero hay unas reglas: podéis consultarlas en la página 239 de la gramática "Essential Grammar in Use".
Leed el texto de la página 43 del libro de clase. Decidid qué frase habla de hombres y cuál de mujeres. Después subraya una frase que creas que es cierta y otra que es mentira.
Haz también el ejercicio 4B-b de la página 129 del libro de clase.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Básico 1. Clothes

Ya podéis descargar la presentación de la ropa. Recordad que cuando pasáis el ratón por encima de las palabras, oiréis cómo se pronuncian. ¿Por qué no lo grabáis? El programa que usamos en el laboratorio es audacity. Haced click aquí para descargarlo.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Intermedio 1. Quiz "Cinema, theatre"

Do this crossword to practise vocabulary related to fims and the theatre.
Click here

And this is the webquest you started doing on Thursday. I've upgraded the links, so, if you find it interesting enough,choose some of the tasks, work on them and send me the activity.

Maybe you prefer to write a review  of a film. If it's a rave review, I'll post it so that everybody can read it.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Homework intermedio 1, 1st February

Yesterday I explained the passive voice. You can already download the Powerpoint presentation.
Click here to get your homework for Thursday. Transform into the passive the first 10 sentences on the left. The other 10 are for Tuesday next week. The answers are below, so don't cheat!
Don't do the activities on the second page yet.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Intermedio 1- Quizzes

Are you having difficulty with connectors?
You can practise a bit more doing these quizzes. You are given some explanations which you can read before doing the activities.
There are many more quizzes to practise other points of English grammar if you click here. The site is http://www.grammar-quizzes.com.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Homework Básico 1, 31st January

Essential Grammar in Use (red book). Read unit 31 and do  these exercises:

Exercise 1- all the sentences.
Exercise 2- sentences 1, 2, 3.
Exercise 3- sentences 4, 5
Exercise 5- sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 10.
Do them on a separate piece of paper, check the answers at the back of the book and if you have problems, ask them in class on Wednesday.

Hacedlo en una hoja separada y corregidlo con las soluciones que vienen al final del libro. Si tenéis problemas, preguntadme en clase el miércoles.

Linkers and connectors- Intermedio 1

Would you like your writings to "sound" more English? A good way is to use linkers, connectors and modifiers.
These two activities will help you.(You can download them if you click here).
The first one is a list of words and their translation into Spanish. They are organized in categories.
The second one is a text about driving where you can see how these expressions work and some exercises to practise. You can correct them yourselves because the key is included.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Vocabulary Calendar and other stuff (.. y otras cosillas)

Would you like to learn a new word every day? Here is a calendar which can help you.
And from this link you can find lots of activities to practise grammar, vocabulary, do crosswords, etc. Give it a try!

Básico 1
Os gustaría aprender una palabra cada día? Este calendario  os puede ayudar.
Y en este enlace hay actividades para practicar vocabulario, hacer crucigramas. Los ejercicios de gramática pueden ser un poco difíciles, pero podéis echar un vistazo.

Homework intermedio 1, 25th January

There is a reading activity for Thursday that you can download if you click here.
Do also sentences 1-7 in the exercise about reported speech for orders that you can download from this link. Sentences 8-14 are for Tuesday next week.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Homework Básico 1, 24th January

Important: On Thursday there's a reading and writing test. (El jueves recogeré un reading y una pequeña redacción hecha en clase para nota)

Podéis descargar la actividad de las preposiciones la solución desde estos enlaces:  Actividad y solución

Traducid esto para el miércoles:

  1. Mi cumpleaños es el 23 de mayo.
  2. Ellos nacieron en diciembre.
  3. Nunca voy de vacaciones en Navidad.
  4. Mi sobrino a menudo sale los fines de semana.
  5. ¿Ves la televisión a la hora de comer?
  6. Nunca va a la playa los domingos por la tarde.
  7. ¿Cuándo vais al cine? Siempre vamos el jueves por la tarde, a las 4.  
  8. ¿Estás estresada alguna vez a mediodía?

  Y estas para el lunes de la próxima semana
  1. Ann:¿Con qué frecuencia te levantas pronto?
    Peter: Casi nunca. Normalmente me despierto a las 9.15 porque nunca me acuesto antes de la1. 
    A: ¿Qué hace tu abuelo los fines de semana por la tarde?
    P: Los sábados siempre lleva al perro de paseo y algunas veces juega al golf con sus amigos.  En invierno casi nunca se queda en casa porque eso es aburrido.
    A: Y ¿qué hace tu abuela?
    P: Lo mismo.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Ain't no mountain high enough.

I'm sure you all know this song. You can download this exercise and do it while you listen to the song. The answer is on the second page.

Homework Intermedio 1, 20th January

Do the reading activity on page 86 in the student's book, exercises b-e.
Download the activity "Study and writing skills" (click here) and do exercises 3, 4 and 5.

Homework Básico 1 - 20th January

On Thursday we started (empezamos) unit 3D and did (hicimos):
  • the activities in the vocabulary bank on page 148,
  • the reading activity on page 35.
Your homework is the reading activity at the beginning of unit 3D in your student's book
There is an extra reading activity you can download if you click here. You have the answers at the end, don't cheat! (La solución está al final, no copiéis).

Important: On Thursday there's a reading and writing test. (El jueves recogeré un reading y una pequeña redacción hecha en clase para nota)


Friday, 14 January 2011

Homework intermedio 1, 13th January

Finish the vocabulary and pronunciation revision at the end of unit 2. Do the reading too.
On Thursday next week there'll be a writing activity and a reading that I'll pick up and take home to mark. (Recogeré una composición  y reading para nota)
Instead of doing unit 3 next, we'll do unit 6. We started it and did the reading activity, but I didn't have time to explain the grammar, so don't do the fotocopies I gave you.
We listened to the song "I kissed a girl". You can download the activity and the answer by clicking here. I hope you like it.

Homework Básico 1, 13th January

You can read the grammar rules for adverbs of frequency in "Essential Grammar in Use". It's unit 95. (leed la gramática)
Do exercise 1, exercise 2, except sentences 4, 8, 9, 15. Don't do the exercise with the words "both, all" (I think it is exercise 4). (No hagáis el ejercicio con las palabras "both, all...")
When you do the last exercise, in sentence number 2, the expression "alguna vez", in questions is "ever". (En las frases de traducción, en preguntas "alguna vez" se traduce como "ever")
Be careful with word order in sentence 4. (Cuidado con el orden en la frase 4).
Don't do sentences 5, 6, 7, 8.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Básico 1. Adverbs of frequency

This is a song to practise daily routines and adverbs of frequency. Click here to listen to the song and do the exercise.
Have a good time (pasadlo bien).

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Intermedio 1, homework. 11th January

Read the text about a nightmare journey,  at the end of the unit. Correct the words or expressions underlined in red.
You have to write an anecdote, real or invented about a journey. You can e-mail it to me or give it in in class in a week's time.
Try not to use your dictionary or grammar book, think it might be the composition in your exam. It shouldn't take you longer than half an hour.
On Thursday we'll start correcting the Chrismtas homework which you can download by clicking here.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Homework Básico 1, 10th January

El miércoles empezaremos a corregir la tarea de vacaciones. Podéis descargarla pinchando aquí.
Write a letter or e-mail similar to the e-mail on page 25 in the student's book. Use the questions below to help you. You can e-mail it to me or give it in in class.
Escribid una carta o correo electrónico similar al de la página 25 del libro. Podéis mandármelo por correo electrónico o entregármelo en clase. Hacedlo en media hora, sin usar diccionarios ni otro tipo de ayuda, como si fuera un examen. Utilizad las preguntas para que el texto tenga estructura.
El orden de las preguntas es:
What's your name?                                   Where are you from?
What do you do?                                     What languages do you speak?
Why do you want to learn English?           Do you have a big family?
What do the people in your family do?      How old are your brothers and sisters?
How old are you?                                    What are your interests?