Wednesday, 30 November 2011

This is the reading exercise for next week. I'll upload more on Friday.
And this is the presentation about the infinitive. Enjoy it.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Intermedio 1- Happy Thanksgiving

If you want to know a bit more about the most popular dessert on Thanksgiving day, watch this video. You can download a worksheet and answer the questions (the key is on the second page, don't look until you have finished).

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Intermedio 1- Homework for Thursday and Friday

From this link you can download the handout with your homework for this week.
We'll correct the grammar about quantifiers on Thursday (page 2) and the reading activity on Friday (page 1)
There is further practice on quantifiers on this powerpoint presentation. We did the las slide in class, but not the others.
Remember there is a Thanksgiving quizz you can take part in and have some fun. Guess what the four words related to Thanksgiving are. Good luck!

Básico 1

Here you are some links to practise grammar. I hope they are not too difficult.

Aquí tenéis algunos enlaces para practicar gramática. Espero que no sean demasiado difíciles.

There is / there are:

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Intermedio 1-Homework for next week

Too much information about quantifiers this morning? Sorry.
You can download the presentation. You can also do unit 30 in your grammar book although it has more to do with countable and uncountable nouns than with quantifiers.
And you can improve your pronunciation thanks to the BBC. On this worksheet you have a link to the BBC. Watch the videos and and answer the questions. The answers are at the bottom.
And if you want to listen and repeat the activities, you can download "Audacity" and record your performance.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Básico 1

Remember to bring your grammar book next week.
Acordaos de traer la gramática la próxima semana
You have to do the reading text at the end of the unit. You can also do unit 3 in your workbook.
Tenéis que hacer la lectura del final de la unidad. También tenéis el workbook. Id haciendo la unidad 3.
And for next week (or later) write a paragraph about your family, their names, age, nationality, their relation with you... It doesn't have to be very long. Remember you can email it to me or hand it in in class.
Y para la próxima semana (o más tarde) escribid un párrafo sobre vuestra familia, nombre, edad, nacionalidad, su relación con vosotros (por ejemplo "Pepe es el hermano de mi madre, está casado, es de Málaga y tiene 30 años. Su mujer galesa....). No tiene que ser muy larga. Recordad que podéis mandarme un correo o entregármela en clase.

Y esta es la canción que puse en clase. Espero que os guste.
And this is the song I played in class. I hope you like it.

Básico 1-3. Homework

Do these exercises for Wednesday:
Global Beginner, page 21, exercise 1 (hacer preguntas con las palabras que os dan) and exercise 3 (elegid la opción correcta en el texto).

Esta es la solución al ejercicio de transformación de frases con "am, is, are" en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

This is the worksheet to practise the genitive. You can do it at home again and send me the answers if you want me to correct them.

Esta es la actividad para practicar el genitivo. Podéis hacerla en casa otra vez y enviarme las respuestas si queréis que os la corrija.

And this is to practise the family vocabulary with "The Simpsons". The key is on the second page. Their family tree is this.

Y con esto podéis practicar el vocabulario de la familia con los Simpson. Las soluciones están en la segunda página. Este es su árbol genealógico.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Intermedio 1- Homework for 17th November

Do you like writing? This time it's an informal e-mail, using the useful phrases that appear on this worksheet.
The reason for writing has to be related to food somehow: either you plan to have a celebration with friends, or you've enjoyed a meal with friends/family and tell the receiver of the email about it, or you've gone to a fantastic restaurant and want to recommend it...
Remember, the "excuse" is food/restaurants.
You can hand it in in class or send an email.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Básico 1 - Homework for next week

Básico 1- Tuesday, 15th November and Básico 3- Monday, 14th November.

Essential English Grammar. Unit 64, ejercicio 3 (creo que las frases 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 y 10).
Haced los dos primeros ejercicios de esta página.

Básico 1- Thursday 17th November and Básico 3- Wednesday, 16th November.
Haced los dos ejercicios que acompañan a la lectura "Studying in the UK" de la página que descargásteis antes. En el primero tenéis que decidir si la frase es verdadera (true), falsa (false) o no se menciona (doesn't say).

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Intermedio 1. Homework for next week

We've finished unit 1, so, please do the activities in your workbook. If you have problems with the DVD, let me know. We've printed a copy and also made a DVD with the videos and a CD with the audios so that you can use them on any player and not only in your computer.

These are the copies I gave you in class today:
What makes a good language learner
Expressions with place and touch
Reading about Madonna

Your homework:

  • Tuesday, 8th: the reading text about Madonna. Remember: first read the text and try to understand it, don't try to fill in the gaps. Do that the second time.
    If you feel like, read the text on page 15 in your classbook and do the reading and language focus exercises.
  • Thursday, 10th: a writing of about 120 words making an attractive description of a person, real or imaginary so as to be the introduction for a social networking site.
  • Tuesday 15th: Intermediate Language Practice, at the end of the book you have some units to learn new vocabulary. Do unit 10 which is about friends and family.
And finally, the answer to the "Brain teaser" is:
The married couples are:
Ingrid and Larry
Edward and Fanny
Helen and John
Alan and Karen
Gordon and Maggie
David and Barbara
Caroline and Nigel

Básico 1- Homework for next week

¡Por fin hemos acabado la unidad 2!
Recordad que el libro viene acompañado de un DVD que contiene el cuaderno de ejercicios y actividades extras para practicar en casa. De todas ellas tenéis las soluciones, así que podéis corregirlos vosotros mismos y en clase me preguntáis las dudas. ¿Os parece bien a final de semana?
Si os da problemas la instalación del DVD, decídmelo.
A partir de la semana que viene en la biblioteca habrá una copia en papel del libro de ejercicios y un CD con los audios. Podréis sacarlo en préstamo.
Este ejercicio es para que practiquéis los adjetivos posesivos: "my, your, his, her, its, our, their.