Monday, 18 December 2017

Básico 1- Present simple: questions

How much do you know about Christmas? Try this quiz for fun.

And this is the presentation of the present simple.

And you can listen to this song and do the worksheet. The video has subtitles in Spanish. It's so romantic!!!

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Intermedio 1- Comparison

This is the PowerPoint presentation about the comparison.

 And if you need more practise on the comparison, download this worksheet and the key.
And if you click here, you can do a quiz online. There are some questions which contain exceptions which I haven't told you about,
The (soon) you get there the better... -> Cuanto antes llegues mejor
This book is the (good) of the two -> The superlative for two things is made with the comparative.
These structures are not part of the curriculum in Intermedio 1, so you don't have to learn them.
And on this site there are loads of exercises for you to practise English. Some of them might be a bit difficult. Have a look.
Here you can answer questions about "degree" (very, absolutely, really). But first you might like to revise them by clicking here.
This is the worksheet for the song below.

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Básico 1- Daily activities and the present simple

Listen and repeat. Activad los subtítulos para que sea más fácil asociar pronunciación y ortografía. Si no sabéis cómo, ved este vídeo.

Download the presentation and practise the exercises below.
Descargad la presentación y practicad con los ejercicios a continuación.


"-s/-es" or not?
"-s/-es" and spelling
Write sentences in the present (fijaos bien en la puntuación, si no ponéis mayúscula o punto al final de la frase la da como incorrecta. No tenéis que poner la palabra "to")
Complete the sentences with a word from the list.


You can practise the present simple with these games. The vocabulary can be difficult.
Podéis practicar el presente simple con estos juegos. El vocabulario puede ser difícil.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Básico 1- Adjectives and emotions

Watch this video. Listen and repeat.

This is another video to revise adjectives.

Revise adjectives using this game.
This is for opposites. And this one too.
And even more games

This is a slow song: listen and sing.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Present perfect continuous and strong adjectives

British Council unit for this grammar point.
Basic present perfect simple and continuous exercises.
Multiple choice exercise.

Watch this presentation and do the exercises below:

Matching pairs.
Very or absolutely?
Try this game. You have to type fast.
If these are not enough, you can have a look here (the list is much longer and the exercises are more difficult).

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Básico 1- Numbers and nationalities

Use this crossword to practise the numbers 1 to 20. Click here.
Usa este crucigrama para practicar los números del 1 al 20. Pincha aquí.

And if you click here you can do another one about countries.
Y si pinchas aquí puedes hacer otro sobre países.

And the song we listened to yesterday. And its exercise. I hope you like it. It is subtitled in Spanish. Is it too romantic? Y la canción que escuchamos ayer. Y su ejercicio. Espero que os guste. Está subtitulada en español. ¿Es demasiado romántica?


Saturday, 4 November 2017

Why are there red poppies on the background?

¿Por que hay amapolas como fondo del blog?

Fijaos estos días en las noticias, navegad un poco, investigad y contádmelo la próxima semana en clase (en inglés si es posible ;-) )

Intermedio 1 - Guy Fawkes

How much do you know about Guy Fawkes? Who was he? Why is it a holiday? When is it celebrated?

Download this worksheet and watch the video below to learn more about it.

If you like history and want to learn more, watch this one.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Intermedio 1- Food. Present tenses

If you want some extra reading exercises, click here. They are a bit difficult.

On this post you can do a listening exercise

And this is the presentation for present tenses.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Básico 1- The alphabet, numbers 1-20

Lo primero es saludar, ¿cómo? Escuchar y repetid. Pinchad aquí.
Pero hay otras formas para los que no se conformen con "How are you?" Echad un vistazo.
Es hora de practicar el alfabeto. Elegid el que más os guste.
Este es más marchoso
Fijaos en la posición de sus labios al pronunciar.

 ¿Os habéis fijado en como pronuncia la "Z"?

Y ahora los números, del 1 al 20: