Sunday, 22 December 2013

Christmas Homework

Básico 1

Haced los ejercicios del workbook que os falten hasta la unidad 3.
En esta carpeta están los dos readings que os di en clase. Los ejercicios de writing no estaban incluidos en la fotocopia, no son tarea, pero si queréis hacerlos, yo estaré encantada de corregirlos.
Está pendiente el ejercicio "Personal Profile" de la página 111 de vuestro libro.

Básico 2

Básico 2-1 y Bas 2-3: If you couldn't come to school, this is your homework for these holidays.
Básico 2-1, do also the reading exercise on page 25 in your classbook.

You have to read at least a book in English before May and write a report. You can write as many as you like.
Here you are an example of what you can do.
And on this site you can find different templates, choose the one you like best:

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Merry Crhistmas

I hope you have really good holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, full of love, health, friendship, and good luck.


Si os ha gustado pero queréis saber qué dice, pinchad aquí.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Nelson Mandela, a GREAT MAN

I wish there were more people like him, honest, always fighting for freedom, regardless origing, colour, beliefs. The world would be a much better place.

If you want to know more about him, click this link.