Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Básico 1, Intermedio 1

¿Queréis volver a escuchar los ejercicios de repaso que hemos hecho estos días?
Básico 1

Intermedio 1

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Básico 1

Sorry for the delay. I've just uploaded some listening activities with answers. I hope you like them.
Siento el retraso. Acabo de subir algunos listenings con respuestas. Espero que os gusten.

Do you remember an ad with this song? There's an activity for you to do. Click here.
¿Recordáis un anuncio con esta canción? Hay una actividad para que la hagáis.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Intermedio 1- House and quantifiers

Some people told me yesterday they had problems with the PowerPoint "Houses". After downloading the presentation, open the file.Then press F5 to view the presentation. Now you will be able to listen to the words. But remember, there is no sound until slide 5, parts of the house.
Another posibility is to download this other presentation. Click here.
I've uploaded some extra listening tasks.
We'll work with this presentation about quantifiers next week.