Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Básico 1- Queen - 'Who Wants To Live Forever'

This is the song we listened to yesterday. The answers are on this worksheet. I prefer this version.

Aquí podéis encontrar la correspondencia de unidades del libro de texto y la gramática "Essential Grammar in Use". Os puede orientar, pero algunas unidades, por vocabulario o estructuras, pueden ser difíciles.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Intermedio 1- Homework and reading


  • Do the writing activity at the end of unit 6. You can write a review of a film or a book, following the structure and using the expressions on page 97. Remember: when you tell the plot of a film or a book you must use present tenses, as in the text about Cinema Paradiso.
  • We'll correct the grammar, vocabulary on page 98 and the reading on page 99.
These are the answers to the reading on page 94. We won't do it in class, so this is voluntary work.

Aung San Suu-Kyi - 5
Bono - 1
Thierry Henry - 2
Bernard Kouchner - 3
Queen Rania of Jordan - 4

A - Thierry Henry
B - Queen Rania of Jordan
C - Bono
D - Aung San Suu-Kyi
E - Bernard Kouchner

Bono. He couldn't take the child with him
Queen Rania of Jordan by getting children vaccinated.
Aung San Suu-Kyi. She chose her job.
Bernard Kourchner. He participated actively himself in aid work.
Bono and Thierry Henry. Bono is trying to free Africa of hunger and poverty, and Henry is trying to eradicate racism from sport.

2 - modernity
3 - hunger
4- poverty
5- choice
6- operation
7- sale

Casablanca, relatives

Is Casablanca your favourite classic film?  This is part of the video we watched in class last week.
The following sentences all appear in the film trailer. Number them 1-8 according to the order you hear them.
a) _____ Isn’t it about time we play it again?
b) _____ Ingrid Bergman is Ilsa, the last woman he ever expected to see.
c) _____ If you knew how much I loved you, how much I still love you.
d) _____ He’s travelling with a lady.
e) _____ You have to think for both of us. For all of us.
f) _____ I stick my neck out for nobody.
g) _____ There is a man arrived in Casablanca on his way to America.
h) _____ That’s my least vulnerable spot.

The answers are at the bottom of the post.

This is to revise relatives:

Intermedio 1-2: we'll correct this worksheet on Monday. Intermedio 1-1: we corrected it today.
Here you can practise defining and non defining relative clauses. Don't worry if you are told the answers you've typed are incorrect. Click "Show answer" and you will be given all the options. You can write the answers on a piece of paper instead.
On this site you can work on other grammar points.

Answers:     a-8      b- 4      c-5      d-3    e-6      f-1      g-2      h-7
Watch this video of three teachers talking about their daily routine.
Ve este vídeo de tres profesores hablando de su rutina diaria.
There are subtitles to help you understand what they say.
Hay subtítulos para ayudarte a entender lo que dicen.
Then complete each sentence with the name of each teacher: Kim Ashman (KM), San Valentine (SV) or Claire Gowran (CG).
Luego completa cada frase con el nombre de un profesor...
The answers are below the video.
Las respuestas están después del vídeo.

  1.  ___________ wakes up the first of the three teachers.
  2. ___________ doesn’t do any exercise.
  3. ___________ doesn’t watch TV in the evening.
  4. ___________ does exercise in the afternoon.
  5. ___________ uses his / her computer in the morning.
  6. ___________ goes to bed very late.
  7. ___________ has two showers every day.
  8. ___________ finishes work the last (=el último).
  9. ___________ reads a book to her children.
  10. ___________ has a shower after lunch.

  1.   CG  wakes up the first of the three teachers.
  2. SV doesn’t do any exercise.
  3. CG doesn’t watch TV in the evening.
  4. CG does exercise in the morning.
  5. SV uses his / her computer in the morning.
  6. SV goes to bed very late.
  7. CG has two showers every day.
  8. KA finishes work the last (=el último).
  9. SV reads a book to her children.
  10. KA has a shower after lunch.

I hope this PowerPoint helps you with prepositions. There are some expressions that you don't need to learn this year.
Espero que esta presentación os ayude con las preposiciones. Hay expresiones que no necesitáis aprender este año.
And this is the listening about Alfie we did in class the other day: exercise, audio

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Básico 1- Writing

A continuación tenéis las viñetas de la historia "A day in the life of an English teacher". Usadlas para escribir una pequeña redacción en presente. ¡Cuidado! Es tercera persona del singular, así que revisad las "s".
Y estos son algunos consejos para que os salga mejor:
  1. Pensad lo que vais a decir y haced algún apunte si os parece necesario.
  2. NUNCA escribas la redacción primero en castellano.
  3. Ceñíos a las estructuras y el vocabulario que conocéis.
  4. Si queréis que os sirva como práctica para los exámenes, marcáos un límite de tiempo y no uséis diccionarios ni gramáticas.
  5. Cuando acabéis la redacción, revisadla bien: tiene que haber sujeto, cuidado con los tiempos y las formas verbales, el orden de las palabras, errores de ortografía y puntuación, mayúsculas.
  6. Si no se un ejercicio para un examen usad diccionarios y gramáticas para resolver vuestras dudas.
Podéis entregármela en clase la semana que viene (o cuando podáis). Pero si os va más la tecnología, podéis  enviármela por email.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Básico 1: reading and listening

These are the reading comprehension worksheets (with answers) I gave in class yesterday. You can use them to practise before the exam.
Estos son los readings con respuestas que os di en clase  ayer. Podéis usarlos para practicar antes del examen.
Before printing, check that you don't have a copy in paper.
Antes de imprimir, comprobad que no tenéis una copia en papel.

This is a worksheet to revise the possessive case and its answers.
Esta es  una copia para revisar el caso posesivo y las respuestas.

Your homework for Wednesday: make questions for these answers:
Vuestra tarea para el miércoles: haced preguntas para estas respuestas:

  • He lives in a small flat.
  • The bar is near the station.
  • No, I don't like burgers.
  • She has three cups of coffee.
  • We work with other people.

I think I gave you a copy of some exercises for the video below long, long time ago. If you don't have it, you can download it. Watch the video as many times as you need. When you finish you can click here to see the answers.
Creo que os di una copia de unos ejercicios para el vídeo a continuación hace mucho, mucho tiempo. Si no la tenéis, podési descargarla  Ved el vídeo tantas veces como necesitéis. Cuando acabéis podéis  hacer clic aquí para ver las respuestas.