Saturday, 26 February 2011

Homework Básico 1 - 24th February

Acabamos la unidad 4 así que podéis hacer el ejercicio de Writing de la página 49. Intentad hacerlo en media hora y usad las preguntas del ejercicio B para organizar vuestra redacción.
Hoy hemos empezado el futuro del verbo "To be". Podéis revisar la unidad 11 de "Essential Grammar in Use" y hacer los ejercicios 1 y 2.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Intermedio 1. Reading

Did you like the film Avatar? You can do a reading exercise about this blockbuster.
Just click on the tab "Files Intermedio 1" and you'll see a folder called "Reading" which contains the activity.
Enjoy it.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Today we worked with vocabulary and we talked about icons. Download the PowerPoint presentation to practise at home. Use a monolingual dictionary if you have one; on the Internet, a good option is
Your homework for next week is to write a review about a film or a book. Set a time limit of 30 minutes to do it, don't use dictionaries or reference books while writing. Use them at the end of the task to check spelling, grammar, etc. You can hand it in in class or e-mail it to me.

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Today we worked with vocabulary and we talked about icons. Download the presentation to practise at home. Use a monolingual dictionary if you have one.

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Today we worked with vocabulary

Homework Intermedio 1, 22nd February

Monday, 21 February 2011

Homework Básico 1, 21st February

Haced los ejercicios de la página 50 del libro de clase.
En este enlace podéis descargar el ejercicio que hicimos hoy en clase. Es muy difícil, lo siento.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

In the Name of the Father

I hope you can understand the song better than this morning. Sorry.
This is a different version. At the bottom of the post there are links to other versions.
You can download the exercise and the key if you click here.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Básico 1. Personal Pronouns

Si queréis repetir el ejercicio que hicimos la semana pasada en clase sobre like, hate..., podéis descargarlo desde la pestaña de básico 1, en la sección de gramática. Están también las soluciones y ejercicios de las unidades anteriores.
También encontraréis el ejercicio que hicimos hoy. Pinchad aquí.
Estas son las soluciones:
Exercise 1:
1- you     2- it     3- him     4- them     5- me     6- her     7- you     8- it     9- me     10- him     11- her     12- them     13- you     14- us     15- you
Exercise 2:
1- me     2- him     3- them     4- us     5- her     6- him     7- us     8- me     9- them     10- her

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Homework intermedio 1, 8th February

We continued working with films and the cinema. Download this copy. Use the vocabulary and expressions on the left side to write reviews. Most of them can be used both for films and books.
The movie cloze is your homework for Thursday.
You can also do units 16 and 17  except exercise 4, unit 17 (Passive voice 1, 2). If you have difficulties with the exercises, we'll revise them next week.
There's a new grammar point we've worked with and which deals with the passive: "Have something done". You can download the activity and correct it. The key is on the second page.
On Thursday there'll be another part of your February tests.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Homework Básico 1. 7th February

Empezamos la unidad 4B. Son verbos para expresar cosas que te gustan o no. Van seguidos de gerundio que en inglés se hace añadiendo "-ing" al verbo. Pero hay unas reglas: podéis consultarlas en la página 239 de la gramática "Essential Grammar in Use".
Leed el texto de la página 43 del libro de clase. Decidid qué frase habla de hombres y cuál de mujeres. Después subraya una frase que creas que es cierta y otra que es mentira.
Haz también el ejercicio 4B-b de la página 129 del libro de clase.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Básico 1. Clothes

Ya podéis descargar la presentación de la ropa. Recordad que cuando pasáis el ratón por encima de las palabras, oiréis cómo se pronuncian. ¿Por qué no lo grabáis? El programa que usamos en el laboratorio es audacity. Haced click aquí para descargarlo.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Intermedio 1. Quiz "Cinema, theatre"

Do this crossword to practise vocabulary related to fims and the theatre.
Click here

And this is the webquest you started doing on Thursday. I've upgraded the links, so, if you find it interesting enough,choose some of the tasks, work on them and send me the activity.

Maybe you prefer to write a review  of a film. If it's a rave review, I'll post it so that everybody can read it.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Homework intermedio 1, 1st February

Yesterday I explained the passive voice. You can already download the Powerpoint presentation.
Click here to get your homework for Thursday. Transform into the passive the first 10 sentences on the left. The other 10 are for Tuesday next week. The answers are below, so don't cheat!
Don't do the activities on the second page yet.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Intermedio 1- Quizzes

Are you having difficulty with connectors?
You can practise a bit more doing these quizzes. You are given some explanations which you can read before doing the activities.
There are many more quizzes to practise other points of English grammar if you click here. The site is